This Series is for balancing hormones and symptoms associated with Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS), Pre Menstrual Tension (PMT) and Pre Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD), and may be helpful for menopausal women as well.
Train your brain progressively through brainwave training from the “inside-out”, for natural hormone balance to experience symptoms subside!
This Series targets brainwaves in the Theta range, 3Hz–8Hz, which is associated with deep relaxation, creativity and increased suggestibility. Research shows that the brainwave pattern of women suffering from PMS is unique, and a large component of the problem seems to stem from the lack of cerebral blood flow.
Concurrently using the Depression Free HemiBalance Brainwave Series is also recommended for PMDD in particular, and if mood swings, sadness and depression are severe.
Light Flowing Whimsical Ambience
Mysterious Floating Ambience
Deep Enchanting Ambience
Train your brain progressively through brainwave training from the “inside-out”, to experience rapid healing!
The HEALING & RECOVERY: Delta Brainwave Series targets brainwaves in the Delta range of less than 3Hz, associated with intense deep healing and with sleep.
It is well known that while deeply asleep the brain is actively healing the body; however, some people have difficulty getting to the deepest levels of sleep and/or staying there long enough to reap the full benefits.
Trance Ambience
Mysterious Guitar Ambience
Rhythmic Space Melody
Train your brain progressively through brainwave training from the “inside-out”, to experience rapid healing!
The HEALING & RECOVERY: Deep Delta Brainwave Series targets brainwaves in the Deep Delta range of less than 3Hz, associated with intense deep healing and with sleep.
Tranquil Warm Ambience
Expanding Floating Ambience
Mysterious Space Melodies
Train your brain progressively through brainwave training from the “inside-out”, to become free from your food addiction(s) and obsessions!
This Series targets brainwaves in the Alpha range, 8Hz-12Hz, which is associated with relaxation, openness and daydreamy feelings,
followed by the Theta range of 3Hz-8Hz associated with deep relaxation and increased suggestibility.
When a person’s dominant brainwave pattern is in Alpha or Theta, he/she is relaxed, dreamy, peaceful, and light-hearted – often the way people feel while engaged in their food addiction.
It has been shown that a lack of certain Alpha and/or Theta brainwaves is characteristic of addicts.
* Addicts also tend to respond positively to SMR brainwaves. For optimal results, we suggest using this Series along with the SMR: Brainwave Series.
Deep Ambience with Soprano Vocals
Seductive Ambience with Sitar
Airy Ambience with Hypnotic Koto
Train your brain progressively through brainwave training from the “inside-out”, to make flying comfortable, and even enjoyable!
This Series targets brainwaves in the Alpha range, 8Hz-12Hz, which is associated with relaxation, openness and daydreamy feelings,
followed by the Theta range of 3Hz-8Hz associated with deep relaxation and increased suggestibility,
and then the Delta range 0Hz-3Hz associated with sleeping and with deep rejuvenation qualities.
Individuals who fear flying, similar to anxiety sufferers, may lack Alpha brainwaves and respond positively to Alpha, and Theta brainwaves.
In addition, theoretically speaking, Delta frequencies have soothing effects on areas of the brain that are related to fear.
* Anxiety sufferers also respond positively to SMR brainwaves. For optimal results, we suggest using this Series along with the SMR: Brainwave Series.
Pulsating Hypnotic Mysterious Ambience
Rhythmic Smooth Mesmerizing Ambience
Deep Pulsing Persuasive Ambience
Train your brain progressively through brainwave training from the “inside-out”, to naturally, easily, effortlessly and comfortably fall asleep!
This Series targets brainwaves in the Theta range, 3Hz-8Hz, which is associated with deep relaxation, and dreaming sleep.
* Research shows that those who have difficulty sleeping may lack SMR brainwaves. For optimal results, we suggest using the SMR: Brainwave Series concurrently.
Hypnotic Babbling Brook
Hypnotic Light Rain
Deep Shimmering Ambience
Train your brain progressively through brainwave training from the “inside-out”, to achieve your desired goals!
The ENERGY, MOTIVATION AND CONFIDENCE: Theta Brainwave Series targets brainwaves in the Theta range, 3Hz–8Hz, which is associated with deep relaxation, creativity, REM sleep and healing.
Warm Rhythmic Trance Ambience
Captivating Pulsating Ambience
Dramatic Mesmerizing Ambience
Train your brain progressively through brainwave training from the “inside-out”, to achieve your desired goals!
The ENERGY, MOTIVATION AND CONFIDENCE: Alpha Brainwave Series targets brainwaves in the Alpha range, 8Hz-12Hz, which is associated with relaxation, openness and daydreamy feelings.
Warm Pulsing Ambient Melodies
Mysterious Space Ambience with Chimes
Hypnotic Light Atmospheric Ambience
Train your brain progressively through brainwave training from the “inside-out”, to free yourself from anxiety!
The ANXIETY FREE: Theta Brainwave Series targets brainwaves in the Theta range, 3Hz-8Hz, which is associated with deep relaxation, creativity and healing.
Anxiety sufferers tend to lack Alpha brainwaves and respond positively to Alpha, Theta and SMR brainwaves.
Therefore, after training the brain to produce more Alpha brainwaves, the next step is to train your brain in the production of Theta brainwaves to alleviate anxiety.
* Anxiety sufferers also tend to respond positively to SMR brainwaves. For optimal results, we suggest using this Series along with the SMR: Brainwave Series.
Light Rhythmic Hypnotic Melody
Whimsical Mesmerizing Ambience
Tranquil Pulsating Ambience
Train your brain progressively through brainwave training from the “inside-out”, to free yourself from anxiety!
The ANXIETY FREE: Deep Delta Brainwave Series targets brainwaves in the Deep Delta range, below 3Hz, which is associated with very deep healing and sound dreamless sleep.
Theoretically speaking, Deep Delta frequencies soothe neural structures of the brain that govern the autonomic nervous system and emotional responses such as the ‘fight-or-flight’ response, fear and tension, and are useful to calm and soothe at an even deeper level.
* Anxiety sufferers also tend to respond positively to SMR brainwaves. For optimal results, we suggest using this Series along with the SMR: Brainwave Series.
Warm Enchanting Persuasive Ambience
Light Dreamy Ambience
Rhythmic Ambience with Japanese Koto