Train your brain progressively through brainwave training from the “inside-out”, to free yourself from anxiety and panic attacks / panic disorder!
We suggest starting with the Alpha Series and working down through Theta, Delta and Deep Delta for maximum effectiveness.
The PANIC FREE: Delta Brainwave Series targets brainwaves in the Delta range, 0Hz-3Hz, associated with healing and with sleep.
Theoretically speaking, Delta frequencies have soothing effects on areas of the brain that are related to fear as well as other emotions.
Targeting Delta brainwaves is therefore helpful for anxiety and panic sufferers to soothe and calm the nervous system.
* Anxiety sufferers also tend to respond positively to SMR brainwaves. For optimal results, we suggest using this Series along with the SMR: Brainwave Series.
Dramatic Shimmering Ambience
Deep Ambience with Harp Sounds
Enchanting Ambience with Oboe